4、建议宠物主人与宠物接触后要洗手,避免将动物带到肮脏的地方。应该像对待人一样对待宠物。如果患者处于隔离时期,不想把可能携带的病毒传染给家人,也要避免接触宠物,让宠物感染。对于健康的宠物,在出门的时候,也要注意保护,避免接触病原体,回家之后也要注意消毒。此外,有关部门也应该注意对流浪狗的收容,及时检查病毒,对于携带病毒的宠物,需要及时隔离,避免传染给其他动物。5、不要亲吻你的狗猫等宠物、抚摸或舔,以及分享食物。参考文献:1. Zhou, P., et al., A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable batorigin. Nature, 2020.2. Webster, R.G., Wet markets--a continuing source of severeacute respiratory syndrome and influenza? Lancet, 2004. 363(9404): p. 234-6.3. Xu, L., et al., Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) fromraccoon dog can serve as an efficient receptor for the spike protein of severeacute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. J Gen Virol, 2009. 90(Pt 11): p. 2695-2703.4.Wang, M., et al., [Surveillance on severe acute respiratorysyndrome associated coronavirus in animals at a live animal market of Guangzhouin 2004]. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi, 2005. 26(2): p. 84-7.5.Zhao, J., et al., [Detection of SARS-coronavirus in both humanand animals by RT-PCR]. Wei Sheng Yan Jiu, 2005. 34(4): p. 412-5.